My friend from high school is currently living in Italy with her husband while he is stationed there in the army, not a bad place to be stationed huh?! But every time she posts on her blog here I get the strongest envy and desire to go to Europe right now! I'm so tired of the tedious life we are living here in Rexburg, I'm ready to see the world. As you know from this post and this one we, I am planning a trip to Europe this coming April. It's frustrating and difficult to try to plan a month long backpacking trip to countries that you have never been to, all by yourself. Sometimes I get really frustrated and want to just forget about the trip but I know that this is something I really want to do and may never have the chance again and I know I would regret it for the rest of my life if we don't go. So after reading Allison's blog, I have more burning desire to get this trip planned and have the best experience of my life with Mark.
sooo jealous!! it's going to come before you know it!