This post is dedicated to my sis Rachel. I just had the best hour long conversation with her {which isn't usual per say for us} We have always had a love {dare I say hate?} relationship, I think because we are close in age but not close enough. She's always been my cool little Baby Bark who is so sure of herself and didn't care what everyone thought about her, like I did. She just does her own thing and is confident and people love her. {So maybe I've always been a little jealous, but don't tell her I said that.} We are 3 years and 4 days apart so we've never really been in the same stage of life as each other and I had to ruin our chance by getting married just before she came to college. But I see good things in our future. I loved talking to her tonight on the phone, it was the relationship I've always wanted to have with her. We talked about everything. Literally, from our day to what's coming in the next couple months, to Jersey Shore, to friends, to nannying...seriously we covered it all!
So here's to you, Rach!
This was the best part of the whole season, or any season for that matter!
Look out, there's SHARKS!
That was the best thing i've ever seen!