This weekend was Memorial day weekend. The first things that come to mind from past memorial days include, camping, bbq's, watching war movies, enjoying being outside in the warm weather...
well none of these happened this weekend.
Mark and I wanted to go to Jackson Hole on Saturday, we love jackson hole! But the weather man said it was suppose to rain/snow all day. So we decided not to go or really plan anything for the weekend. When we woke up Saturday morning, ok it was 11:00 so not really morning, it was beautiful outside! But we knew it was just the Rexburg weather teasing us, it was going to pour all day...NOT! It was a gorgous day! and we didn't do anything because the weather man lied to us! We later found out that it was 70 degrees in Jackson!
But we had a good weekend anyway. We spent most of it with our friends Chris, Kyle, Alex, and Olivia! Friday night I told Mark that he should spend the night with his friends (listed above) so that he could get a good night's rest, since Snookie has been waking him up every morning at 5. So we went to hang out with the guys and Olivia was there! We decided that since the boys were having a sleepover, we were going to have a sleep over! We all went to Nelsons and got custard, they messed up mine and Mark's order, again! Then we went over to Crazy Mikes and me and Olivia rented Charlie St. Cloud and the boys rented Wolverine. Then we split up.
Olivia and I went back to my apartment and watched the movie with snooks. It was such a good movie! I liked it because it wasn't predictable. We had a great time catching up and talking, I needed some good girl time! Thanks Liv!
The next morning someone texted me about snookie, they wanted to come see her in an hour. So I called Mark and picked him up because I knew I couldn't do it by myself. They came over and were the perfect family for her. They had 2 little girls who were obsessed with her. I am very happy they were they family to take her. But it broke my heart. I really loved Snookie, she made me laugh and made me so happy. But I wanted to be a good wife and do what was best for Mark. I still tear up when I think about her or when I walk into our empty apartment and she isn't waiting at the door for me and meows for me to pick her up :(
We didn't watch any war movies, which I am shocked about because Mark loves all those movies like the Patriot...but we did watch one of my favorites, Beauty and the Beast! It was nice to cuddle and watch a disney movie during the rain/hail storm. Oh yeah, did I mention it HAILED! What the hail, Rexburg?! It's June tomorrow, don't you know that?!
It was a great/heart breaking weekend.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
on my mind
I have had a lot on my mind lately, all random, and decided that I need to get them out...
1. I hate snookie! She won't sleep past 5 am and I'm exhausted! We are giving her away
2. I love snookie! She is so funny and sweet. This morning Mark opened our bedroom door and she came running in and rubbed her cheek on mine, melted my heart.
3. I'm realllllllly tired
4. I love how big our new couch is!
5. I really want to do something fun this weekend, seeing how it's Memorial day and a 3 day weekend. But it is suppose to snow/rain all weekend so there isn't much to do.
6. I really miss Melissa & Glenna. I keep thinking back to sophomore year when we were roommates. We all had a love/hate relationship. We are all very loud and outgoing so at times we annoyed each other but they will always have a special place in my heart. They both have helped me through some hard times and partied hard with me during the good times :)
7. I feel like lately there is always someone mad at me and I feel like I don't even know what I did. Am I just a bad friend?
8. I'm homesick. We haven't been home since Christmas, about 5 months ago, and I know that isn't a very long time but it seems like everyone is home or has been going home a lot this semester, and I'm jealous.
9. I want to move to a different apartment. Our neighbors above us are so loud and inconsiderate. We don't care if they are loud during the day, we are too. But after midnight, it is common decency to keep it down so people can sleep. These neighbors come home every night around 12 or 12:30 and chase each other through their apartment. He literally slams the toilet seat down. We had to write them a note about a week ago asking them to be more considerate late at hasn't helped. I've decided they are just rude people.
Then last night after their sherade, our next door neighbors' little girl screamed at the top of her lungs for an hour! They are nice neighbors but they are about to have their 3rd baby, I don't know if I can handle hearing someone else's kids all night! (they just got a mini van too...I think that means it's time to move out of student housing...)
10. I just want it to be April 2012 RIGHT NOW so we can go to Europe! Mark and I decided that we are going to backpack through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, France, and Spain! I'm so excited and anxious! I've been researching every day since we decided. I can't wait for my Rick Steves travel books to get here so I can start reading!
Anyways, it's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday! Hopefully work will go fast and I'll get to go to the farmer's market finally! Have a wonderful 3 day weekend and Memorial day. Thank you to all who currently do and did in the past serve our country and protect us.
1. I hate snookie! She won't sleep past 5 am and I'm exhausted! We are giving her away
2. I love snookie! She is so funny and sweet. This morning Mark opened our bedroom door and she came running in and rubbed her cheek on mine, melted my heart.
3. I'm realllllllly tired
4. I love how big our new couch is!
5. I really want to do something fun this weekend, seeing how it's Memorial day and a 3 day weekend. But it is suppose to snow/rain all weekend so there isn't much to do.
6. I really miss Melissa & Glenna. I keep thinking back to sophomore year when we were roommates. We all had a love/hate relationship. We are all very loud and outgoing so at times we annoyed each other but they will always have a special place in my heart. They both have helped me through some hard times and partied hard with me during the good times :)
7. I feel like lately there is always someone mad at me and I feel like I don't even know what I did. Am I just a bad friend?
8. I'm homesick. We haven't been home since Christmas, about 5 months ago, and I know that isn't a very long time but it seems like everyone is home or has been going home a lot this semester, and I'm jealous.
9. I want to move to a different apartment. Our neighbors above us are so loud and inconsiderate. We don't care if they are loud during the day, we are too. But after midnight, it is common decency to keep it down so people can sleep. These neighbors come home every night around 12 or 12:30 and chase each other through their apartment. He literally slams the toilet seat down. We had to write them a note about a week ago asking them to be more considerate late at hasn't helped. I've decided they are just rude people.
Then last night after their sherade, our next door neighbors' little girl screamed at the top of her lungs for an hour! They are nice neighbors but they are about to have their 3rd baby, I don't know if I can handle hearing someone else's kids all night! (they just got a mini van too...I think that means it's time to move out of student housing...)
10. I just want it to be April 2012 RIGHT NOW so we can go to Europe! Mark and I decided that we are going to backpack through Germany, Switzerland, Italy, the Netherlands, France, and Spain! I'm so excited and anxious! I've been researching every day since we decided. I can't wait for my Rick Steves travel books to get here so I can start reading!
Anyways, it's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday! Hopefully work will go fast and I'll get to go to the farmer's market finally! Have a wonderful 3 day weekend and Memorial day. Thank you to all who currently do and did in the past serve our country and protect us.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Europe, here we come!
We have decided that we are going to backpack through Europe after Mark graduates next April.
I know this may be a little premature, but I have already started planning, I'm so excited and want to make sure we don't miss anything!
Friday, May 20, 2011
live life to the fullest
My sweet grandpa just commented on my facebook about me graduating.
It was exactly what I needed and gave me motiviation.
Just thought I would share it with you.
{You and Mark have a great life ahead of you. so Go for it. See Europe while you can and enjoy life to the fullest.}
farmer's market friday
I love Fridays.
I especially love the farmer's market and I'm going today after work!
Gonna get fresh fruit and veges and the best fudge in the world :)
P.s. My diploma finally came in the mail yesterday! I am officially a college grad
Thursday, May 19, 2011
need, need, need, pretty please
Sorry Mark but I NEED all of these :)
If only I had endless amounts of money or some super amazing friends/family that wanted to buy them for me
{dreaming of...}
Today I am dreaming of backpacking through Europe.
I miss Italy so badly.
I think I'm going to talk to Mark about saving money so we can go to Europe after he graduates next April, before we have to start real life.
{how much money do we need to save?}
I miss Italy so badly.
I think I'm going to talk to Mark about saving money so we can go to Europe after he graduates next April, before we have to start real life.
{how much money do we need to save?}
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
excuse me
On April 9 I walked across the stage in the BYU-Idaho Hart Auditorium and received my diploma...well actually it was just the book that holds the diploma. They told us we would receive our diplomas in about 4-6 weeks in the mail...well it is officially the 6th week and still no actual diploma! {insert hyperventilation}
What if I didn't actually graduate? When I log into the byui website it says "former student" and says I received a 3.6 gpa this last semester and a 3.4 overall gpa {yeah, I had to share that with all of you because I am pretty proud :) }
So, excuse me, but can I please have my diploma already?
What if I didn't actually graduate? When I log into the byui website it says "former student" and says I received a 3.6 gpa this last semester and a 3.4 overall gpa {yeah, I had to share that with all of you because I am pretty proud :) }
So, excuse me, but can I please have my diploma already?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
{sex and the city} Mondays
I hate mondays, they give me anxiety.
But they always come after Sunday, regardless if I like them or not.
So I decided I'm going to try and make them a little more enjoyable by posting a quote from Sex and the City every monday. {Carrie is so wise}
But they always come after Sunday, regardless if I like them or not.
So I decided I'm going to try and make them a little more enjoyable by posting a quote from Sex and the City every monday. {Carrie is so wise}
Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course we wouldn't fall in love, or have babies, or be who we are. After all, seasons change. So do cites. People come into your life and people go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you're very lucky, a plane ride away.
Friday, May 13, 2011
got that 2:30 feeling...
It's Friday afternoon, Mark done with classes for the week, I'm the only one in the office...and I'm dying to go home!
Wish I had one of these bad boys
Wish I had one of these bad boys
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
our baby :)
Mark finally gave in and let me get a kitten! (mostly because he was annoyed with me bringing home strays and asking every day...and she was free!) We adopted her on April 26. She was super tiny when we got her, the runt of her litter. The people we got her from thought she was about 6 or 7 weeks old. They didn't know if she was a girl or a boy...I did my research, thank you google, and found out she was a girl. We wanted to name her something from the Giants but buster posey doesn't really fit for a girl. After a couple days of deliberating, we decided to name her Snookie!
She is so cute and makes us laugh every day. She's already gotten so much bigger, maybe because we didn't know how much to feed her and eventually saw the recommendations on the bag, lets just say we were feeding her about 4 times as much as we should.
It's like having a baby, she cries when we put her to bed (in our closet), she cries in the morning and wakes us up. But despite the early mornings, we love her and are so happy to have her in our little family (you can ask Mark how he really feels.) Mark is her favorite, even though he throws her off the bed. Her favorite spot to be is on his shoulder, especially when he's trying to do homework!
Here are some pictures of our baby Snooks!
She is so cute and makes us laugh every day. She's already gotten so much bigger, maybe because we didn't know how much to feed her and eventually saw the recommendations on the bag, lets just say we were feeding her about 4 times as much as we should.
It's like having a baby, she cries when we put her to bed (in our closet), she cries in the morning and wakes us up. But despite the early mornings, we love her and are so happy to have her in our little family (you can ask Mark how he really feels.) Mark is her favorite, even though he throws her off the bed. Her favorite spot to be is on his shoulder, especially when he's trying to do homework!
Here are some pictures of our baby Snooks!
Her favorite spot
Meet Snookie!
She loves her mom :)I guess my arm is her teddy bear
Sophia came to play with us. She loves kittens
Snookie loves Sophia
Aunt Jana holding Snookie like a baby, haha
Mark loves to make her sit like this, she doesn't really like it though
So happy :)
Don't worry, she likes having her face smooshed in pictures, haha!
Our friends Adria and Brianne brought their kitten, Boss, over for a play date...Snookie beat him up! I think she is use to getting beat up by her brothers and sisters because she was the runt and finally she has someone smaller to pick on. Boss was a trouper and took it. Mark was proud of his little Snooks!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
playing house
Since graduation I had two goals for myself. First, find a job that was somewhat college degree worthy (that is hard to do in Rexburg where jobs are few and far between). And second, to cook real meals for Mark every night. I was really bad at making dinners the past two semesters. I justify myself by saying I was really busy with 16 credits and working 20 hours a week.
We are now about a month into it and, drum roll....Success!
I got a job at a real estate company called Countrywide Properties. It doesn't really have much to do with my major but hey, its not fast food! The people are really great and its a good place to work while I wait for Mark to graduate.
Also, I've been cooking real meals!
I have made steak, chicken fajitas, southwest chicken wraps, homemade macaroni and cheese, chicken enchiladas. Luckily Mark is so sweet and compliments me even if the steak is a little well done or the mac 'n cheese isn't as good as his dads. But he makes me feel like I have potential so I actually enjoy cooking!
Thanks for being my taste-tester and support Mark!
Also, thanks to the Warren/Hawkins family cookbook, cookbooks from my mom and grandma Bev, and also to my mom for answering the phone when I have questions while I'm cooking :)

We are now about a month into it and, drum roll....Success!
I got a job at a real estate company called Countrywide Properties. It doesn't really have much to do with my major but hey, its not fast food! The people are really great and its a good place to work while I wait for Mark to graduate.
Also, I've been cooking real meals!

Thanks for being my taste-tester and support Mark!
Also, thanks to the Warren/Hawkins family cookbook, cookbooks from my mom and grandma Bev, and also to my mom for answering the phone when I have questions while I'm cooking :)

Post Graduate!
I haven't blogged in a while, sorry I've been busy living my great life!
After graduation Mark and I went to Orlando, Florida to visit our brother and sister-in-law, Scott & Dani and their three adorable kids, Paige, Emma and baby Colt! It was the best vacation I could have dreamed of! It was good enough just to get out of cold Rexburg, but spending time with family was the cherry on top. While there we went to Disney World, Universal Studios, Epcot, Harry Potter world (part of universal), Hollywood Studios, the beach, had a bbq at the lake with Scott and Dani, it was perfect!
I hadn't been to Disney World since I was 8 so it was really fun to go with my best friend. Mark and I went on every ride and had so much fun. Some of the highlights of the parks were churros, the stunt car show, mt. Everest, tower of terror, multiple mickey mouse ice creams, Emma in her princess dress at Disney world, harry potter world of course, and the rockin roller coaster at Universal.
A huge thanks to Scott & Dani for letting us stay with them. We love you and miss you! Thanks for the wonderful memories in Florida!
Here's what you've all been waiting for, pictures!

After graduation Mark and I went to Orlando, Florida to visit our brother and sister-in-law, Scott & Dani and their three adorable kids, Paige, Emma and baby Colt! It was the best vacation I could have dreamed of! It was good enough just to get out of cold Rexburg, but spending time with family was the cherry on top. While there we went to Disney World, Universal Studios, Epcot, Harry Potter world (part of universal), Hollywood Studios, the beach, had a bbq at the lake with Scott and Dani, it was perfect!
I hadn't been to Disney World since I was 8 so it was really fun to go with my best friend. Mark and I went on every ride and had so much fun. Some of the highlights of the parks were churros, the stunt car show, mt. Everest, tower of terror, multiple mickey mouse ice creams, Emma in her princess dress at Disney world, harry potter world of course, and the rockin roller coaster at Universal.
A huge thanks to Scott & Dani for letting us stay with them. We love you and miss you! Thanks for the wonderful memories in Florida!
Here's what you've all been waiting for, pictures!

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