
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

rekindling the fire

I've been MIA from this blog lately, mostly in part because I have been unhappy with the look/feel of my blog. I don't feel like it's really portraying my style, whatever that is. But also because I have felt like I don't have anything of much importance to talk about. My life is pretty ordinary and low key right now. Until I realized the other night that that is my life right now and although it may be mundane, it's exactly what I need to write about during this stage of  life.

So I am currently working on my blog look and design and have rekindled my blogging passion. You will be seeing much more of me on here!

In the meantime, here is a little video of us taking Leo on a walk with our nieces. I sent it in to AFV, I'm just waiting for them to highlight it on their next animal episode. Enjoy!