
Friday, December 14, 2012

Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men

One of the things I loved most about Rexburg was the small town community where everyone knew each other and helped each other out. People were always extending a hand to their neighbor and lending them things. I knew I was going to miss that about Idaho but I didn't expect the Bay Area feel like a small town, and much to my surprise it has been that way.

Mark and I both grew up here in the East Bay Area, we knew what to expect when we were moving back but it has surpassed all our expectations. Through out this move we weren't sure if we were playing the right cards, for instance we didn't know if we should rent or buy but we decided to buy and it has been the best decision we have ever made. It has already led us to amazing friends and people surrounding us...and we've technically only been moved in for a couple weeks! So many people have contacted us and offered to help us paint, move in, give us picture frames, shelves and even their personal discount on appliances! All of these kind acts, big and small alike, have made me feel so loved and that we are where we are suppose to be. It's been a sense of validation for us.
Last night as I was driving home I was thinking about all these wonderful people in my life and couldn't help but let a few tears out as I realized that God really does care about me and knows what I need, and through all of these hands of wonderful family friends He has touched my life.

Thank you to each and every one of you. You have made this post-college transition so much easier for us.

I started this post last night and can't end it without taking a moment to reflect on the horrific tragedy that struck a Connecticut Elementary School this morning. A gunman went to the Elementary School where his mother worked and killed her along with 20 innocent children and 5 other adults. This senseless act broke my heart. Those poor children, teachers and families. I couldn't help but think about my mom today as she works at our Elementary School. No words can express the pain that these families are going through but my heart and prayers go out to them.

All I could think about was the lyrics to the Christmas song "I Heard the Bells On Christmas Day."
And in despair I bowed my head:
"There is no peace on earth," I said,
"For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men."

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead, nor doth he sleep;
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to men."

I know that those sweet children are in Christ's arms and were too good for this Earth. May we all hold our loved ones a little closer as we remember those families who lost their baby today.

Monday, December 10, 2012


I was just reading a new post from a blog I follow. She is an amazing woman with a heart-retching story (see her story here.) Despite the hard things she has been through she is truly inspiring and always is serving others. In her most recent post she talked a little about "RAK: Random Acts of Kindness" (you can also find it with a Christmas twist here.)
It is such a simple and easy way to brighten someone's day and pay it forward. You can choose how you want to participate and how much you want to spend. So I'm going to get myself and Mark to do this as a date night! {and probably drag some friends to do it with us :) any volunteers?!}

I hope this is a tradition that we can start now and continue with our children in the future.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Turkey and Trees

Since my last post some big things have happened. The first big event was Thanksgiving! This year we decided to go down to Southern California to visit my grandparents. I haven't been there for Thanksgiving since my Sophomore year of college so it was great to go down with Mark and my family and see my Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts and cousins, some of who met Mark for the first time this trip! Funny story, the night before we were suppose to head down to SoCal we went over to our new place to finish painting and as I was walking to our front door I realized my car was still on. I thought to myself, "whoa, dumb blonde moment" but then I looked in my hand and I was holding my keys?! My engine was running even though my car was in park and I pulled the keys out of the ignition! How crazy is that? It just wouldn't turn off! I called the VW service center and they had no idea what to tell me so they asked me to get in my car and drive it over immediately (lucky it was about 5 minutes up the road.) They ended up giving me a loaner car and let me drive it down to SoCal! No miles added to our cars :) After about 4 or 5 days I got to pick up my car, they replaced the relays (I thought that was a track and field event..) and said it was good to go. Keeping our fingers crossed it was just a freak thing and nothing else will happen!
Anyway, Thanksgiving was really fun, except for the 8 hours that it took to drive there with all the traffic!
When we got back we got a Uhal and with the help of our wonderful in-laws we were able to get everything moved over in under a couple of hours!
Since then we have been spending all our spare time trying to convert this condo into a home. The first priority on our list was a Christmas Tree, of course :) We have also been working hard to get our pictures hung, things organized and boxes in the trash! It's coming together and I think is looking pretty good.
Grandpa and Mom cooking Thanksgiving dinner
Mark and Grandpa napping after all that Turkey

Scott and Dani, Paige, Emma, and Colton came to visit! (Yes, that is my little sister-in-law in front of me, not a niece!)

Getting our very first Christmas Tree!

Cute Mark touching up the paint

Collage wall in the living room with my Europe pictures
Needless to say Mark never wants to hang another frame ever again!