But this was a good birthday. Tara showed up at my office with balloons and a gift! She is so thoughtful and made me feel special, even at work!
After work, Tara and I went to the track to run and do lunges {I hate them.} After our workout Mark and I went to Costa Vida, Cocoa bean, and Horkleys to get a movie. When we got home I listened to fun voice messages from Brad and LuAnn, and Lauren! I love my in-laws! Mark needed to shower, cuz he was smelly from work, so I went to the mail box to look for packages from my parents. I came back with 3 packages, one for me, one for Mark, and the third was the Jimmer Fredette jersey I ordered for Mark for Christmas {more to come about that story!}
After opening gifts and eating our Costa Vida we built a fort to watch the movie under. About 30 minutes into the movie I started getting really bad stomach cramps. I spent the last hour and a half, roughly, hugging the toilet. Thanks Costa Vida for the wonderful birthday present.
I feel like I have been sick every other week this year so far. It's getting really old and frustrating. I'm feeling like moving back to California will get me healthy again! With that said, we move exactly 1 month from today!! This day next month we will be waking up early, pulling out of our apartment complex that has been our first home together, and driving separately {me driving the car and Mark driving the moving truck}, we will be headed home with no idea of where we are going to put our stuff or where we are living once we get back from Europe. But I don't feel stressed at all, probably because I just know this is right for us right now and we have family there. Everything will work out the way it's suppose to.
Here's some pictures from my birthday

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